Cyber High School is an alternative high school serving students that are behind in credits that strives to blend core education with technology to prepare students for career and college success.
The vision for Cyber High School is one of high academic achievement for all students within a safe learning environment and to equip students for the choices and challenges of living and working in an ever changing, fast paced, technological society.
- High academic achievement for all learners.
- Help Students who are behind in credits catch up.
- Create and maintain a safe and orderly campus.
- Work to assure that students meet, or exceed, the academic standards set forth by the state of Arizona and North Star Charter Inc.
- Establish and foster a strong and positive bond with the parents and families that comprise our community.
- Model and teach the attributes of integrity, self-discipline, perseverance, honesty, and respect for other peopleĀ and the environment.
- An adequate level of academic achievement for students is met through a variety of comprehensive courses that utilize a combination of technology and teacher supported individualized instruction to meet graduation competency requirements. Cyber High School will maintain frequent assessments that are aligned to the AZ Academic Standards which are utilized to monitor progress, provide evidence of mastery, and/or provide for lessons modifications to meet studentsā needs. Targeted AZ Merit and AIMS prep assistance is provided as well as skills-building basic coursework to further support student academic achievement.
- We integrate learning the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic with the daily use of technology to teach students how to find the answers to both the questions they face today and in their future.
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